Cedric Drouet, Pharm.D

US FDA Compliance Safety Officer with 10+ years’ in Quality Assessments and Compliance.

Pharm.D with 5+ year's experience in Quality Assurance Product and Quality Management System (QMS)

After being graduated at the university of Rouen (Upper Normandy, France) for his Pharmacy Doctorate, he obtained a Master's Degree in Quality Management from Paris-Saclay (Paris XI).

Cedric has been a Qualified Person (QP) for 5 years in France, he worked on several sterile manufacturing plants (Sanofi, Novo Nordisk, TriRx) which have granted him to get a good knowledge and overview of the quality regulatory norms (which are mandatory for the release of batch products).

He also had the opportunity to be a Quality Lead Expert during night-shift hours when a problem occured on the field (ie in filling, inspection and pakaging sectors).

During his tasks, he was responsible of the pharmaceutical activities that were performed on site (regarding to the French National Agency for Medicines and Health, ANSM and the European Medicines Agency, EMA)

Driven by problem-solving and continuous improvement, he's committed to help your production teams to overcome quality challenges and he's able to find robust CAPAs to make sure a problem won't reoccur again on the production lines.